Links to more info on Kim's web site:
* Keynotes, Workshops & Demos
* Client List & Testimonials
* FAQs about Kim
* Books & Music CDs

Check out these unique gift books dads can give to their daughters and sons on a special occasion.
Contact Kim:
3665 Woody Lane
Minnetonka, MN 55305
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July is National
"Make a Difference to Children" Month
I've been proud to sponsor this annual initiative since 2006;
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by Kim Ratz.
For leaders and meeting planners
who need an engaging presenter to
enlighten & motivate your team at
your next Conference or In-service.
From here you can go to the page describing the gift books for dads to give their daughters & sons --
Go to Books Page
Kim's music CD: "Positively Yours"
A collection of original songs Kim has used in his keynotes and seminars, and a few fun ones thrown in too ... Easy listening, upbeat and motivational songs to help you relax, feel hopeful again, and more motivated to achieve your life roles and goals. Titles include:
- Positively Yours
- Choose to Be a Player
- If its To Be it's Up to Me
- Children Are The Future
- Do What You Like, Like What You Do
- Thanks for What You Do, This One's for You
- Tucumcari Tornado
- I Kicked Nicotine In The Nic-o-time!
- Banana Blues
- Alaska - Land of the Freeze, Home of the Brave, & the Worlds Biggest Skeeters!
Special COVID price: $7.95/cd! Click here to order a CD
Kim's music CD: "The Fun & Frenzy of Fatherhood"
A collection of 20 original songs Kim has written for his audiences of parents, providers and partners who work with children, including music written for the video series, "Successful Parenting." A sample of titles include:
- Children Learn What They Live
- Two Ears and One Mouth
- Succes Starts in the Early Years
- Consequences, Consequences
- The Fun & Frenzy of Fatherhood
- Mommy and Daddy Aren't Together Anymore
- Plus 14 more songs about kids, and working with kids!
Special COVID price: $7.95/cd! Click here to order a CD
Kim Ratz, Speaker-Trainer-Troubadour-Author
Successfully sharing stories, songs and skills since 1994.